Are you looking for an accredited college or university where you can earn your college degree? If you want to earn a degree so that you can advance your career or earn a professional license, it is important to understand the importance of earning your degree from a school that is accredited. While accreditation is a voluntary process that was developed over 100 years ago, it is a very necessary one. Schools that are accredited have proven that they meet educational standards that distinguish them from the rest. These schools have been evaluated by non-profit and unbiased bodies dedicated to improving the educational system so that students can be confident in their choice to apply at a school before starting the process.
Is Accreditation Really Important?
Schools must be accredited by a national or regional body that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to qualify to offer students Financial Aide through the Federal Government. In addition to this, all state licensing bureaus require that the college courses taken to satisfy licensing requirements are taken at accredited schools. If you want to earn a graduate level or doctorate degree, your undergraduate classes are only transferable if taken at a school that is accredited. Obviously, there is a huge importance placed on accreditation, but how do you find out a school’s current status? There are several ways to fine the status of every school with accreditation. Here are some of these ways:
Searching Through the US Department of Education
The most effective way to find out a school’s accreditation status through any agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education is to search directly through theĀ government database. One of the best things about the government database is that you can search by agency or by the institution name. This means that you can reduce the time that it takes and the resources that you must use to verify a school’s standing. When you locate the school in question, it will list the date of accreditation and the status, which can include warning and probation. The reaffirmation date will also be listed.
Searching the Status on the School Website
A university and all of the colleges within a university are required to advise students of the colleges’ accreditation statuses on the school website and other documentation. If you would like to check directly through the school website, you can visit the homepage of the college though the school’s official website to find out each colleges status. The school is required by law to update this information if the status ever chances, and no school can list an accreditation that is has not earned.
An institutional accreditation is very important for many different reasons. If you want to benefit from attending school, you cannot overlook all of the benefits of pursuing a school with an accreditation. Use the valuable resources that are available to you, and find out the important information before enrolling in school. If the status of the school every changes, consider transferring your credits and earn your degree from a school that meets educational standards of accreditation agencies.