Are you wondering what exactly the CAHME is in relation to Healthcare Management Education? The CAHME, which stands for the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education, plays a major role in setting the standards in Healthcare Management education and for administration professionals for the field. By evaluating educational programs centered are Healthcare Management and improving the quality of graduate programs throughout the nation, the CAHME serves the public by improving the field as a whole. Read on to learn more about why this commission is very important and why to enroll in an accredited program.
What Types of Academic Programs Does the CAHME Grant Accreditation For?
The accreditation that is granted by the CAHME is granted when individual academic programs submit a voluntary application for evaluation. Not all degree programs with a concentration in Healthcare or Healthcare Management can apply for accreditation. The CAHME is a member of the Association of Specialized & Professional Accreditors, and is the only accreditation body to grant the honor to programs that offer prospective students the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in Healthcare Management Education. The program must be recognized by a regional body that is acknowledged by the U.S. Department of Education and by the Council of Higher Education to be considered.
Why is Accreditation Important?
Healthcare Management is a field that is rapidly changing as technologies and policies change. When you choose a program that is accredited by the CAHME, you are assured that the program that you complete strive to be exceptional. Any program that applies for accreditation and the manages to keep this honor is going above and beyond to deliver quality training.
How to Locate a Program Accredited By the CAHME
Now that you understand that the CAHME is the only specialized accreditation organization to set standards and to recognize graduate programs in the field of Healthcare Management, the next step to finding the best Master’s degree program is to use the program locator tool available through the organization’s website. To find the program that best meets your individual requirements along with the requirements that have been set by the agency, simply search by name, state, or degree type on the office website. This website is updated on a regular basis, and will list when the school was first accredited, when the most recent visit was, and when the next visit is scheduled. You can even locate the contact information for the program to discuss the enrollment process.
If you conduct a search on the Internet, you will find that there are hundreds of different traditional and online Healthcare Management programs that you can choose from. While many of these programs are reputable, you should only enroll in a program with a programmatic accreditation through the CAHME. Be sure to use the resources that you have at your disposal, sift through your list of programs that you are interested in, and narrow down your selection to CAHME approved programs that are high in quality.