Making the choice to extend your education is always a wise decision. The more you expand your knowledge base, the more versatile you become in your profession of choice. Having a degree or certification is a statement that alone speaks volumes regarding the person who attained that education. Where you get your education from also speaks volumes. For some employers getting an education from an accredited institution is piece of mind. They know that the education you received is relevant and current. But not all jobs require schooling from an institution with accreditation.
What is accreditation probation?
Should I choose a school on probation?
Other Factors to Consider
If you’re looking to attain a degree, it’s a good idea to choose a school that has it’s accreditation in tact. If you’re already enrolled or your preferred school is on accreditation probation, then consider doing the research on why they are on probation. Investigate whether the school is taking the measures to reestablish the accreditation or if they are simply going to let it drop. If it is the latter, then your best option is to either transfer or move along to a school with its accreditation maintained.